Sunday, July 21, 2013

Install Blender 2.68 released, di Ubuntu/Linux Mint/other

Blender memberikan spektrum yang luas pemodelan, texturing, pencahayaan, animasi dan video fungsionalitas pengolahan pasca dalam satu paket. Melalui arsitektur terbuka, Blender menyediakan interoperabilitas cross-platform, diperpanjang, sebuah tapak yang sangat kecil, dan alur kerja terintegrasi. Blender adalah salah satu yang paling populer aplikasi grafis 3D Sumber Terbuka di dunia.

Popular Features:
  • Cycles Render Engine
  • Motion Tracking
  • UV Tools
  • "Carve" Booleans
  • Remesh modifier
  • Game Engine
  • Collada
  • Python API
  • More Features.

Fixes in this release 2.68:
  • Cycles GLSL object texture coordinates were wrong.
  • VBO + dynamic topology sculpt did not show specularity.
  • Incorrect Rendered View-port Horizontal Splitting.
  • FCurve select changes on Graph Editor Re-size.
  • Show warning message to when trying to edit driven values in number buttons.
  • Crash using make links > animation data between empty and mesh object.
  • Undo crashes on an armature with ID-Properties armatures undo state now stores ID-properties.
  • CPU freeze at playback after cutting/deleting/duplicating audio strip.
  • Crash on File Browser
  • Stationary Particle system - particle Y axis fails to follow emitter object rotation.
  • Rendering preview range gives wrong duration.
  • Blender internal view-port render did not do correct color management for image textures.
  • View-port rendering crashes blender.
  • Rendering with OSL seems to cap "weird" numbers in certain places in the nodes.
  • Cycles: image movie to single image crashing.
  • Shift+LMB doesn't toggle selection when using the Maya preset.
  • Screen list shows temp layout
  • Multi-resolution Modifier Complains About Sculpt Mode.
  • Image offset value in empty image display mode should be unitless
  • Tool-tip for Euler Discontinuity Filter was misleading
  • Set Origin not waiting for user input when invoked form search menu.
  • Fix missing compositor refresh due to missing mask notifiers.
  • Fix for crash reading from a freed scene when exiting blender.
Untuk menginstal Blender di Ubuntu / Linux Mint buka Terminal (Tekan Ctrl + Alt + T) dan salin perintah berikut di terminal:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:irie/blender
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install blender

 That's it
Source: Blender

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