NoobsLab has collection of conkys for
Linux desktop to make desktop elegant. So today we bring three conkys
for you which is based on conky-now which is developer by satya but
these three are modified by zagortenay333.
This time we made a script to make things more easier for everyone, in
past we received feedback like there are too much commands like a mess
in conky posts. It can work for all Linux desktops like (Gnome Shell,
Unity, Cinnamon, Gnome Classic, XFCE, Mate, and others). eOS, Elune, and
Bauraturia conkys shows weather info with support of curl, CPU usage
with graph, Memory, Internet upload/download speed and sent/received
data, and Top Processes. There are two method of installation wget
script (works for all Linux distributions) and PPA (for
Installation Features:
- Automatically adds to start-up.
- Options to select conky.
- Works in all environments, options to choose between environment.
1) wget script Installation Method (Works with all Linux Distributions):
Install Conky in Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Any Linux Distribution open terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal(First command must be related to your distribution):Also checkout this video tutorial.
2) PPA Installation Method:
To install Bauraturia-conky in Ubuntu 13.10/13.04/12.10/12.04/10.04/Mint 16/15/14/13/9 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
To install Elune-conky in Ubuntu 13.10/13.04/12.10/12.04/Mint 15/14/13 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
To install eOS-conky in Ubuntu 13.10/13.04/12.10/12.04/Mint 15/14/13 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
After installation logout and login back then must open "conky setup" from menu and setup your conky by following instructions then again logout and login back.
Note for Debian: In order to add PPA first you need to install package python-software-properties.
To install eOS/Bauraturia/Elune Conky in Previous Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint/and related Ubuntu derivatives open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
To uninstall use following command in Terminal:
That's it
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