Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ubuntu Touch For PC Tablets


Ubuntu Touch For PC Tablets
Linux distributions continue to make great headway into the operating system market, and Ubuntu is often the Linux distro of choice for new users. PC tablets are slowly controlling the market field with more sophisticated units being available to consumers. With this development, Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) are moving into that market, offering the superior functionality and design of Ubuntu on the said gadgets.

Ubuntu Design

As with other versions of Ubuntu, the tablet and smartphone moves away from traditional methods of accessing apps. Unlike Android, Windows and Mac, Ubuntu has done away with navigation buttons, opting instead for swiping gestures for accessibility. Yahoo news reports that 'This gives it a cleaner, less cluttered feel than most other tablets.

Smartphones first

Canonical have previously announced their move into smartphones. This is due in the next Ubuntu version which 13.10, codenamed 'Saucy Salamander' and due for release on 17th October 2013. Carriers will have to test the software after the final release so it is unlikely actual smartphones will be available before early 2014. The long anticipated tablet release is slated for Ubuntu 14.04, a version as yet without a codename, but due to be a long term support (LTS) version.

Full PC experience

Canonical are aiming for a full PC experience once PC tablets are docked. Typical for the Ubuntu design, it will feature easy ways to add multiple users, making it ideal for enterprises which need the said gadgets, especially in the field, where they can be used by many individuals. It will also offer full disk encryption, and full user data encryption, which at the moment is a unique capability. Screen sizes supported range from 6 inches to 20 inches, and resolutions between 100 and 450 ppi. As with full PC versions, the tablet Ubuntu will be light on device resources, keeping speed and accessibility at a maximum.

We are certainly looking forward to the release of Ubuntu for tablets, it brings a new player into the field and challenges Android, Apple and Microsoft to keep improving in order to stay ahead.

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