eOS theme is designed by 0rax0 developer on deviantart but he released last version for Gnome Shell 3.6, Then zagortenay333 continue
to work on this theme and made it compatible with Gnome Shell 3.8.
Actually developer didn't stop his work but he looking for someone
support, he mentioned that it's next version will be for Gnome Shell
3.10. Basically eOS theme gives taste of Elementary desktop. Developer
ported a lot of features from DanRabbit's mockups and actual eOS parts,
like: Plank, Pantheon Shell, Wing Panel. Also developer aim is to make
most accurate elementary theme.
Theme tested on all listed versions.
To install eOS theme on Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
That's it
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