Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Install Pimagizer image resizer Untuk Ubuntu/Linux Mint/other

Pimagizer is a program to resize images easily with in few seconds. This program is written in Python and works with GTK 3+. This app can save images with overwrite to original image. There are plenty of applications available that also provide same feature like gimpdarktable and so on. There are two versions available 0.2 and 0.3 both can be installed via two separate PPAs.

Changes in this version:
  • Added multithread for IU interaction
  • Changing axis for preview image
  • Allowing translations for text on image
  • Centering text on images
  • Fixed problems with absolute paths
  • Fixed choosing folder and some translations
  • Problem with imputs when selecting a image
  • Fixed when opening with image: default folder

To install Pimagizer 0.2 version (stable) in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Terminal Commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vfrico/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pimagizer

To install Pimagizer 0.3 version in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Terminal Commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vfrico/cambiadeso
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pimagizer
That's it
Source:  cambiadeso

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